Personal details
Selecting a storage unit
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Welcome to Avia's booking process

Take a few moments, fill in the details and book a storage room

First we'll get to know you. Later we'll get to know your belongings

Contact details

Personal guarantee

Dear Customer,
To enter the details of the order in the name of Company Ltd., you must provide a personal guarantee that it will uphold its obligations. Please enter the guarantor’s details in the appropriate fields in the below statement.
I, signed below, hereby personally guarantee that the company listed above (“the Company”) will perform its obligations to Avia Storage Services Ltd. (“the Supplier”). This guarantee is not limited in amount or time, and it is irrevocable and can only be canceled with the Supplier’s written consent or by the Company’s performing its obligations/paying its debts to the Supplier in full. I waive the provision of advance notice and any other advance duty incumbent on the Supplier as a precondition to accepting me as a guarantor, and in the event of nonfulfillment of any of the Company’s obligations to the Supplier, the Supplier may sue me.

Select your storage location

Select your storage room

Chooce storage dates

Storage start date

Storage end date (optional)

Details of insurance contents

It’s time to declare the items you would like to store. Read the guidelines and get started!

  1. When you add each item, the recommended monetary value for insurance will appear. If you want a higher insurance value (reimbursement), you can change it at your discretion.
  2. The insurance cost is calculated so that you pay 1.8 NIS for every 1,000 NIS worth of contents (per 30 days).
  3. Items stored in cardboard boxes will be insured for a maximum amount of up to 500 ILS. Items of higher insurance value will be priced in accordance with Section 1.
  4. Unfortunately, jewelry, antiques, furs and/or artwork cannot be insured.
  5. Note! Items not specified on this form will not be insured.

Total value
Total insurance coverage: 0
Insurance fee: 0

Order details

Storage room volume: 0 CBM
Total insurance coverage: 0
Total price for 30 dyas: 0

Payment details


Booking number 0

Thanks for choosing us to host your belongings

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